Elves of the Sun
The Highsun Elves – Arodanor:
- worship the sun
- aristocracy living in palaces and castles among a land of rolling hills called Arth Carvas
- old and proud elf nation that sees itself as the first and maybe even superior
The Lightwood Elves – Aduialeryn:
- worship the sun and honor rebirth
- live at different courts in a huge forest called Tawar Iasbelin – Forest of Autumn
- most of them never leave the forest in their life
- time seems to have been stoped / slowed down there because in the very center of the forest it is always fall
The Sandstorm Elves – Lithalagos:
- patriarchy
- worship the sun and flames
- live in caravans traveling from city to city in a dry land called Aman Lith
- all elven children born with fire magic are send there to learn how to control their powers